Protection coordination study

2 hours




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This free video course covers topics: Automatic short circuit calculation, protection equipment settings calculation and sensitivity assessment; Low voltage fuses selection; Low voltage breakers selection and coordination; Protection coordination (overcurrent relays, ground fault relays, coordination of fuses and breakers tripping curves) using EA-PSM; How does protection coordination report should look like?

About this course

Would you like to know how to perform power system studies faster with EA-PSM Electric software and increase Your business profitability?

Watch this free video course. In this course we cover topics:

  • Automatic short circuit calculation, protection equipment settings calculation and sensitivity assessment;
  • Low voltage fuses selection;
  • Low voltage breakers selection and coordination;
  • Protection coordination (overcurrent relays, ground fault relays, coordination of fuses and breakers tripping curves) using EA-PSM;
  • What does the protection coordination report should look like?

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