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Before each new release of EA-PSM Electric, validation cases are prepared, thus ensuring new features are working properly. At this validation case, arc flash scenarios for three-phase medium voltage and low voltage systems according to the IEEE 1584-2018 standard are analysed.
The selection of optimal current transformer should evaluate transformer voltage level, turns ratio, accuracy, and accuracy limit factor. This allows avoiding critical measurement errors due to transformer core saturation.
This case study evaluates how a connected Battery Energy Storage System influences network operation modes.
Complex double-end-fed and non-radial systems require directional protection equipment to maintain selectivity and proper tripping times
This case study evaluates a Solar Power Plant impact on the network operation and to determines the maximum power of PV system
World is slowly transitioning towards renewable energy and with this shift it is faced with many challenges. When our existing power grid was created, renewable energy sources were not considered.

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